
There is nothing quite as strange as when a literary persona who has been a favorite of yours through decades and at least 3 translations of a great novel (points for knowing which book I speak of) happens to manifest in the real world. And in Red Square. And is documented by Jill Roberts, managing editor at Tachyon Publications.

Behold Behemoth!

Behemoth the Cat, in Red Square



Agent Monday Blog: Writers Should Learn from Liars (reprint)

Agent Monday: Writers Should Learn from Liars

Asimov’s Readers-Award Finalists with links to their stories

I am proud to say that my collaborative novelette with the mad, bad, and dangerous to know Michael Swanwick numbers among them. Unsurprisingly, here’s a lot of good reading here (especially if you’re looking to nominate for the Hugos, he said hintingly)…

Asimov's Magazine April-May 2015
